Thursday 15 December 2011

[INFO] Lee Dong Wook sister getting married

Also on the show, Lee Dong Wook also talked about his little sister, stating that it was on his "bucket list" to see her get married.

He said, "During our childhood, our family didn't do well financially, so we lived in the rural area. This makes me feel sorry for my sister."
After that, a video letter from his little sister then started playing.
"I'm so happy and it's all because of you. You've been living your whole life for our family, but now I want you to live life for yourself. We will be always there for you," she said in tears. She looked as beautiful as her brother is handsome.

In response, Lee Dong Wook teared up and confessed, "It's been ten years since I debuted my acting career in high school. I didn't look back and worked really hard. I'm so happy to hear that my sister is getting married."

1 comment:

  1. just know that he not as rich as now. success alays for you, our oppa :)
